Türkiye Central Anatolia

Cappadocia Green Tour

İlan no: T61
Genel Bakış

Experience a Cappadocia bus tour visiting Göreme Panorama, Pigeon Valley, Derinkuyu Underground City, Selime Monastery, and Ihlara Valley. Enjoy local lunch. Start at Göreme Panorama, visit Pigeon Val...

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Derinkuyu Underground City
Derinkuyu Underground City stands out as a unique historical and archaeological site located in the Cappadocia region. Derinkuyu is known as a large underground city complex, hosting various historical periods. The Derinkuyu Underground City offers visitors the opportunity to explore the unique underground structures of Cappadocia.
Ihlara Valley is a natural valley located in the Cappadocia region, stretching between Güzelyurt district of Aksaray and the village of Ihlara in Nevşehir. The valley features deep canyons, high cliffs, and historical churches. Ihlara Valley attracts visitors with its unique natural beauty and historical texture.
Tur Programı

Start by visiting one of Cappadocia's highest private points: Göreme Panorama.

Then, head to Pigeon Valley, known for its numerous pigeon houses carved into rocks and cliffs.

Next, explore Derinkuyu Underground City, one of the largest and most fascinating underground cities in Cappadocia, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Afterwards, visit Selime Monastery with its natural rock formations dating back to the 13th century. Take a lunch break at a local restaurant.

Then, continue exploring Ihlara Valley near Hasan and Melendiz Mountains, a canyon approximately 80 meters deep, formed by the Melendiz River thousands of years ago, offering hiking trails.

Finally, relax as you head back to your hotel.

Neler Dahil

  • Local handle (Chauffeur)
  • Turkish Guide
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Buluşma noktaları
  • Ürgüp Otelleri
  • Göreme Otelleri
  • Avanos Otelleri
  • Uçhisar Otelleri
  • Ortahisar Otelleri
  • Mustafa paşa Otelleri

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